Hey y'all!
It's midnight the day before I go back to China and I am NOT packed. So what do I do? Post pictures of the summer, watch a movie, and start writing on the blog that I have neglected for 5 months.
Many of the people that I have been catching up with have been asking about my blog, some have been strongly suggesting that I start it up again, and others have been demanding a comeback (Uncle Randy). So to appease the crowds, here it is.
This summer has been a huge blessing for many reasons, big and small. Here are some of them.
1. Standing next to my sister/best friend/PIC (partner in crime) on her wedding day
2. ^^^As she married her best friend
3. Watching the face of one of my longest time friends as he sees his bride for the first time.
4. All the amazing parties that accompany any wedding in Ennis, Texas
5. Being able to call my mom without having to find WiFi or take into account a 13hr time difference
6. Being able to pop into my dad's jobsite and see what he has been working on the past few years
7. Seeing all of my family and friends in person
8. The ability to bake cookies in an oven and not on a hot plate
9. Being able to pick on my brother!
10. BBQ
11. Realizing that with some people, you never skip a beat, even across the world
12. MY CAR (even though she is nearing the end of her life)
13. River trips
14. Two-stepping
15. Being able to see the stars
16. Country music on the radio
17. Christian music on the radio
18. Heck, songs on the radio that I understand
19. Meeting new sweet, sweet babies
20. Decorating a friends classroom and seeing all my old coworkers
21. Margaritas, Shiner, and queso
22. Walking around barefoot
23. Blue skies
24. Having a dryer
and last but certainly not least,
25. Sweet tea
I could go on and on, but I think y'all get the point.
Even though I will miss these things greatly when I go back (especially the blue skies ;] ), I am really looking forward to many things about going back to China. (**disclaimer**: there are not as many on this list, but that in no way reflects my feelings on returning to country across the pond)
1. Seeing my kiddos again! (notice I only said see them ;] )
2. Continue the program that was started last school year
3. RUGBY!! The team has recently entered the Chinese Rugby League, meaning we are now more legit and will play more games!
4. Trying more new foods
5. Learning the language better. My goal is to pass the Level 3 Competency test by the time I come home (I have currently passed Level 1)
6. Traveling more around China
7. Learning to cook Chinese food so I can bring it back home
8. Being stretched even more outside of my comfort zone
9. Taking more pictures than last year
and last but certainly not least,
10. Being apart of God's plan in a school, a city, and country that is hungry for Him.
I'm in a list-y mood right now, so I've got one more for y'all: Ways to Pr@y
1. For me: There are many ways that you could pray, but the most encompassing prayer would be for openness and contentment. Openness to new ideas, to new things, to new people, and to being stretched. Contentment in my job, in times of longing, and to where I am.
2. For the school year/my students: That this year is fruitful and that the program is strengthened. That our kiddos are healthy and happy and open to all that they are being shown and taught.
3. Safe travels this year, not only for me, but for anyone traveling.
Thanks for taking the time out to read my rambles. I've got a busy week next week, full of plane flying (not me personally, but wouldn't that be cool/fun/terrifying), apartment moving, classroom prepping, and TCU cheering so I'll keep y'all updated!
But before any of that can happen, I have to finish packing.
Go Frogs!
It is SOOO good to see you remembered you have this site. If you keep updating it, I will have something other than the Ennis Daily news to read. Keep doing great things and I'll keep reading about them.